1) How do I know if I should come back and attend our in-person worship service?
That is only a question that you can answer, but we have some ways to help you think through it. If you have been going to Wal-Mart, the grocery store, or anywhere else and felt comfortable during this time, you will be here as well. We will actually make sure social distancing is followed and are taking necessary precautions for your safety. If you are sheltered at home during this time because you are at high risk due to age or compromising health, we encourage you to continue to do so. We will still be streaming our services on Facebook and posting them on the church website. While we know you long to gather with us in this building, we want you to do that safely and at the right time. Please prioritize your health.
2) What kind of precautions will be followed?
We will be sanitizing the sanctuary with a hospital-grade disinfectant after each of our services. We will limit one person to the bathroom at a time and have them cleaned after each use. We will have hand sanitizer stations nearby as well. Also, we will be doing things differently for a while. We will not have a greeting time, we will not pass the offering plater, nor will we have any food or drink available.
3) Why do we have to wear a mask throughout the entire Worship Service?
We strongly recommend that you wear a mask. A mask will not prevent you from contracting COVID-19, but it dramatically decreases the chances of you spreading the virus. Remember, you could have the virus but be asymptomatic. Consider this a way to love your neighbor well.
4) What if I feel somewhat ok, should I stay home?
If you are sick, please stay home. Even if you think it’s allergies or something else, please be responsible and stay home. This is another way for you to love your neighbor well.
5) Should I bring my own hand sanitizer or what if I forgot my mask?
While we have some at the church, it is limited. Every store is backordered, and so if you can bring your own, it will help conserve the church’s supply.
6) Will I have access to use the restrooms?
Only use the restroom if you absolutely must go. We will only be allowing one person in the bathroom at a time, and then cleaning the restroom. To help our custodial staff, please only use the restroom if you absolutely need to.
7) I want to attend the In-Person Worship Service, but I have a child/children under 10 years old. What do you suggest how I can attend?
We recommend that you switch off with your spouse or responsible adult to take turns caring for the child/children at home and make your reservation to attend our in-person worship service. Cry room is not available. Also, there will no Children’s Ministry Sunday School available until further notice.
8) What can I do to help the church be sanitized and clean?
Bring your own bible, pen and papers when taking notes from the Message. More importantly, remember to take all your contents from your seating area. Also, we are asking for volunteers to help with our check-in procedures and sanitizing our church grounds after the Worship Service ends.